Friday, April 8, 2011


I'm sitting at work, where basically all I do is sit at a desk, doing whatever I need to do (most of the time nothing at all, really). I feel energy running through my veins. I feel the need to get up and run laps, but I feel as if I did, my legs would crumble beneath me.

I hate this feeling of unproductiveness. Pure laziness, really.

But, I suppose I'm not being completely unproductive. For I'm attempting to work on classwork to keep me from failing. And working on stories for the paper.
But as far as photography/Photoshop/design goes, I feel like I've lost all motives to do any of it. I hate that feeling. I think I can honestly say that it is one of the worst feelings I have ever felt in life. And sadly, it's something I feel on almost a day-to-day basis...

Blah. I need to do something artistic. Like, right now. -_-


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